LCIDPA Membership
It is 100% FREE to be a member of the Lake County IDPA Shooting Club. In fact, you DO NOT have to be a member of our gun club venue “Eustis Gun Club” to be able to join us each 1st Saturday and enjoy our monthly match. There are three main rules when you come out and join us to shoot a match:
- If you are a 1st time shooter you MUST attend our safety briefing.
- Obey all rules and regulations of our host gun club. (You will be REQUIRED to sign a GUEST WAIVER.
- If you are a guest of the range you will be required to pay the current GUEST FEE.

You DO NOT have to be a member of the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) in order to experience the fun and excitement of shooting at our matches. We allow all shooters to join us a maximum of 2x before they must pay an additional match fee to participate. So, in order for you to fully benefit from the things you will learn and if you want to compete regularly it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you join IDPA. To join IDPA just visit the IDPA website and sign up. The cost is nominal and benefits the growth of our shooting sports program.
Become A Voting LCIDPA Member
Our voting members have the priviledge of being able to shape the future of our Lake County IDPA Club. We are not the largest IDPA Club in Central Florida, “just because”. We are the largest because we have voting members that care about the growth of shooting sports locally and across the nation.
The Requirements Are Very Simple: You MUST be a member of the Internaional Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), MUST be a paid member of LCIDPA, and lastly you MUST have shot at least one of our local matches within the past year.
NOTE: The Current Membership Dues For Lake County IDPA Voting Members is $30.00 Annually. Eustis Gun Club Members are Exempt From This Fee.
So, if you meet the eligibility requirements to become a voting member, have paid your LCIDPA Dues (Waived for EGC members) we would love to have you join us. Please have your EGC Member # and your IDPA # available so you can complete the form below. Once you submit your form it will be reviewed by our membership director. He will review all information and ensure yours dues has been collected at which time you will be added to the list of LCIDPA Voting Members.
You may also want to download and read our Lake County IDPA Bylaws. They are available for you to download in PDF format below.