IDPA Classifications

LCIDPA Classifications

Lake County IDPA uses the standard IDPA Classifications as outlined in the IDPA Rule Book.  As an offically sanctioned IDPA Affiliated Club we are allowed to and MUST use the same classification system to ensure continuity in the sport. IDPA Classifications are designed so that shooters can compete with their peers of the same skill level.

IDPA shooters are classified by shooting what is called a classifier. These classifiers are designed to place a shooter at a level they will be most competitive in. Classifiers are held several times per year and you can shoot these with any offcially affiliated IDPA club. There are two (2) types of classifiers.

    • Standard: A single seventy-two (72) round match shot all in one day.
    • Abbrevated or 5×5 Classifier: A single stage meant to speed up the classsification process.

Only current IDPA-affiliated clubs may run Classifiers and only current IDPA members may shoot the Classifier. New shooters that have applied for IDPA membership, but do not yet have an IDPA number may shoot the Classifier and the results will be held by the Match Director until the shooter receives a membership card.

Below you will find tables that show the classifications, divisions and times required for each classification. Please note that all though we do our best to ensure the accuracy of this information, we highly recommend that you visit the offcial IDPA website for any recent changes that nay have taken place.

IDPA Classification Tables

Standard Method

Times For:
Master (MA) 75.00 or Less 72.00 or Less 72.00 or Less 73.00 or Less 78.00 or Less 83.00 or Less 89.00 or Less 45.00 or Less
Expert (EX) 75.01 - 100.00 72.01 - 95.00 72.01 - 95.00 73.01 - 96.00 78.01 - 103.00 83.01 - 110.00 89.01 - 118.00 45.01 - 56.25
Sharpshooter (SS) 100.01 - 150.00 95.01 - 140.00 95.01 - 140.00 96.01 - 142.00 103.01 - 155.00 110.01 - 165.00 118.01 - 177.00 56.26 - 67.50
Marksman (MM) 150.01 - 240.00 140.01 - 225.00 140.01 - 225.00 142.01 - 232.00 155.01 - 248.00 165.01 - 263.00 177.01 - 283.00 67.51 - 78.75
Novice (NV) 240.01 & Up 225.01 & Up 225.01 & Up 232.01 & Up 248.01 & Up 263.01 & Up 283.01 & Up 78.75 & Up

Abbreviated Method

Master (MA) 19.18 or Less 18.75 or Less 18.47 or Less 19.07 or Less 19.60 or Less 20.15 or Less 23.25 or Less 10.63 or Less
Expert (EX) 19.19 - 24.09 18.76 - 23.28 18.48 - 22.93 19.08 - 23.49 19.61 - 24.98 20.16 - 26.78 23.26 - 28.12 10.64 - 12.98
Sharpshooter (SS) 24.10 - 29.92 23.29 - 28.80 22.94 - 28.39 23.50 - 29.36 24.99 - 31.07 26.79 - 33.34 28.13 - 35.43 12.99 - 15.82
Marksman (MM) 29.93 - 37.63 28.81 - 36.27 28.40 - 36.18 29.37 - 36.97 31.08 - 39.26 33.35 - 41.91 35.44 - 44.65 15.83 - 18.33
Novice (NV) 37.64 & Up 36.28 & Up 36.19 & Up 36.98 & Up 39.27 & Up 41.92 & Up 44.66 & Up 18.34 & Up

PCC Classifier Method

Times For:PCC
Times For:PCC
Master (MA) 56.00 or Less
Expert (EX) 56.01 to 66.00
Sharpshooter (SS) 66.01 to 76.00
Marksman (MM) 76.01 to 86.00
Novice (NV) 86.01 & Up